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Air Force Veterans Exposed to Asbestos Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

Written by: Shelly Dalton Veterans' Patient Advocate

Last modified: FEBRUARY 11, 2021

Veterans who served in the U. S. Air Force are very likely to have been exposed to Asbestos while working in military bases and aircraft during their time of duty. This exposure put them in great danger of later developing Mesothelioma and other diseases caused by Asbestos exposure.

Air Force Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma

The U. S. Air Force has extensively utilized Asbestos due to its heat resisting properties and affordability, while completely ignoring most or all  health risks until the 1970s.

It is highly advisable that all Air Force veterans should be aware of the dangers Asbestos posed to them or their families and seek legal help.

Jobs with High Risk of Asbestos Exposure in the Air Force

Asbestos materials were used in the building of both aircraft and Air Force bases. As such, several occupations in this sector put service members at risk of Asbestos exposure. This risk also extends to civilian contractors and subcontractors who carried out work at Air Force bases.

  • Aircraft electricians
  • Aircraft mechanics
  • Welders
  • Air Force firefighters
  • Vehicle mechanics
  • Boiler workers
  • Construction workers
  • Asbestos abatement teams

Asbestos was extensively used in the building of Air Force facilities, and many of them may still contain Asbestos materials even today. The most prevalent examples of Asbestos materials used in Air Force bases are pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, drywall, Asbestos cement wall insulation, floor tiles, and vinyl flooring.

Asbestos was also used in the construction and maintenance of aircraft. This put Air Force mechanics at an increased risk, as many aircraft parts were built using Asbestos because of its superior heat resisting properties. Asbestos was used in brakes, engine heat shields, gaskets, insulation for electrical wiring, insulation in cargo bays, and torque valves.

Dedicated Mesothelioma Lawyers for Air Force Veterans

We offer legal help to all Air Force veterans who wish to file for veteran's benefits, or Department of Veterans Affairs claims. Successful veteran's claims result in financial benefits, compensation, as well as access to hospitals, clinics and treatment facilities. Veterans' Legal Options Include:

  • Veteran's Benefit Claim (service related)
  • Applying for Disability with Social Security Administration
  • Filing a Civil Lawsuit
  • Out-of-Court Settlement
  • Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Fund Settlement
Since 2007, Flint Law Firm has represented and gotten compensation for thousands of veterans. While you served, you protected our rights and freedoms. Please call us today toll-free at (855) 883-6447 so we can protect yours!
Veterans Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Diagnosis

We Don't Sue the Military or the Government

We Do Not Sue the military or the government. Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers in veterans are the responsibility of the asbestos manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers. These companies profited from the military even after they knew of the dangers of Asbestos.

Compensation For Asbestos Victims

If you been diagnosed with lung Cancer or Mesothelioma, or if a family member has died from Mesothelioma, Flint Law Firm will be able to help you obtain compensation.

The process of maximizing this Asbestos compensation for you and your family can begin in just a few months.

Compensation For Family Members of a Mesothelioma Victim

Mesothelioma Compensation For Recently Diagnosed PatientsFamily Member Passed

Compensation For People Recently Diagnosed With Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma Compensation For Recently Diagnosed PatientsI Was Diagnosed